The SparkFun AVR Stick is a simple data logging device that instantiates itself as an HID keyboard and reports the voltages, along with a ‘timestamp,’ from two pins on an …
Zflasher is an android app that allows you to program your AVR device from your Android device. It supports the following programmers USBasp AVRISP mkII USBtiny From what I have …
This is a picture of the 8 x 8 LED matrix display I used which I connected to my ATmega16 Here are the connections CS -> PORTD 2 DIN -> …
In this example we will show you how to connect a 7 segment display to our Atmega16. You can think of a 7 segment display as 7 individual LEDs in …
Datasheet Til 311 datasheet Connection Here are the TIL311 pin PINS 1 and 14 LED supply/Logic Supply 5v PIN 2 Latch Data Input B PORT D pin 1 PIN 3 Latch Data …
Sometimes in your projects you simply do not have enough I/O lines available, take for example a lot of the multiple LED examples, these use 8 outputs to control 8 …
In this example we connect an LED to PB2 (Pin 14) of an Attiny 2313. The PWM output is obtained from the OC0A output of timer/counter0. Schematic Code Avr studio …
In this example we connect a piezo buzzer to PB0 of our Attiny13a. We use mikroC pro for AVR which has a built in sound library to play a tone …
I recently bought a development board for an ATMEGA128, sadly there was no examples and no schematic supplied but after some trial and error I managed to get this up …