Home Articles Understanding Pointers and Memory Management for AVR Microcontrollers

Understanding Pointers and Memory Management for AVR Microcontrollers

In embedded systems programming, especially for AVR microcontrollers, efficient memory management and pointer usage are essential.

Pointers allow direct memory access, making them a fundamental concept in managing RAM, optimizing performance, and interacting with hardware registers.

This tutorial covers:

  1. Basics of pointers
  2. Pointer arithmetic
  3. Pointers and arrays
  4. Passing pointers to functions
  5. Pointers to structures
  6. Memory management in AVR
  7. Flash memory and the PROGMEM keyword
  8. Best practices for pointer usage in embedded systems

What Are Pointers?

A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. In AVR microcontrollers, pointers are used to efficiently manage RAM, peripheral registers, and flash memory.

Pointer Declaration and Initialization

#include <avr/io.h>

void main() {
    int x = 10;
    int *ptr;  // Declare a pointer to an integer

    ptr = &x;  // Store the address of x in ptr
  • ptr is a pointer variable that holds the address of x.
  • &x is the address-of operator, which returns the memory address of x.

Dereferencing a Pointer

To access the value stored at the memory location:

int y = *ptr;  // y now holds the value of x (10)
  • *ptr is the dereference operator, used to get the value stored at the memory address in ptr.

Pointer Arithmetic

Pointer arithmetic allows navigation through memory efficiently.

Incrementing a Pointer

int numbers[] = {10, 20, 30};
int *ptr = numbers;  // Pointer to first element

ptr++;  // Moves to the next element in the array

Since ptr is an int*, incrementing it moves to the next integer location.

Pointer Subtraction

int value = *(ptr - 1);  // Moves back to the previous element

Pointer arithmetic is useful when working with arrays, buffer manipulations, and memory structures.

Pointers and Arrays

Arrays and pointers are closely related in embedded C.

Accessing Arrays with Pointers

int data[3] = {100, 200, 300};
int *ptr = data;  // Points to the first element

int first_value = *ptr;      // Access first element (100)
int second_value = *(ptr+1); // Access second element (200)

Instead of using data[i], using *(ptr + i) can sometimes optimize memory access.

Passing Pointers to Functions

Passing pointers to functions avoids copying data and allows direct modification of variables.

Example: Passing a Pointer to a Function

#include <avr/io.h>

void modifyValue(int *ptr) {
    *ptr = 50;  // Modify the original variable

void main() {
    int x = 10;
    modifyValue(&x);  // Pass the address of x

Since the function receives a pointer to x, any modification inside the function directly affects x.

Pointers to Structures

Structures (struct) in embedded systems help manage complex data.

Example: Struct with Pointers

#include <avr/io.h>

typedef struct {
    uint16_t temperature;
    uint16_t humidity;
} SensorData;

void updateSensor(SensorData *data) {
    data->temperature = 30;  
    data->humidity = 60;

void main() {
    SensorData sensor;
    updateSensor(&sensor);  // Pass struct by reference
  • SensorData *data allows the function to directly modify sensor data.
  • Using pointers to structures reduces memory overhead.

Memory Management in AVR

RAM Allocation in AVR

AVR microcontrollers have limited RAM (e.g., ATmega328 has only 2KB of SRAM), so efficient memory use is critical.

Avoiding Memory Overuse

  • Use global variables carefully.
  • Avoid large stack allocations.
  • Prefer static memory allocation over dynamic memory (malloc, free are not commonly used in small AVR microcontrollers).

Using PROGMEM for Flash Memory Storage


  • AVR microcontrollers have limited SRAM but larger flash memory.
  • Storing constant data (like lookup tables, strings) in flash saves RAM.

Example: Storing Data in Flash with PROGMEM

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

const char message[] PROGMEM = "Hello, AVR!";

void main() {
    char buffer[12];
    strcpy_P(buffer, message);  // Copy string from flash to RAM
  • PROGMEM stores message[] in flash instead of RAM.
  • strcpy_P() copies it to RAM when needed.

Best Practices for Pointers in Embedded C

  1. Always initialize pointers before use to avoid undefined behavior.
  2. Use const when accessing read-only memory to prevent accidental modification.
  3. Be careful with pointer arithmetic to avoid accessing out-of-bounds memory.
  4. Use volatile for hardware registers to prevent compiler optimizations from altering memory access.
  5. Avoid dynamic memory allocation (malloc, free) in small AVR microcontrollers to prevent fragmentation.
  6. Use PROGMEM for constant data storage to reduce SRAM usage.


Concept Usage Example
Pointer Declaration Stores memory address of a variable int *ptr = &x;
Dereferencing Access value at pointer address int value = *ptr;
Pointer Arithmetic Navigate memory locations ptr++;
Pointer to Array Access array elements efficiently *(ptr + i)
Passing Pointer to Function Modify data directly modifyValue(&x);
Pointer to Struct Access structure members via pointer data->temperature = 25;
Flash Memory (PROGMEM) Store constant data in flash const char message[] PROGMEM = “Hello”;


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